March 23, 2009


Purity. What is purity? Is it when we've seen nothing of the world and are blind in our innocence, or is it when we've seen so much yet still feel our heart beat when we would have been expected to have turned into stone?
Is purity when you love freely, trust openly, try unconditionally and show a kindness with no boundaries? Or is purity strength and knowledge and a wise mind that knows where to draw its limits, and the understanding that there are worlds that we simply should not cross over to?
Is purity to isolate One's mind from the filth of reality and to live in a fantasy world of One's own, or is it to walk, liberated, into the world, fearlessly, armoured with the lessons we've learnt from our experiences?
Is purity to have never known sin, or is it the understanding of sin and therefore the appreciation of repentance?
I have a theory: that without having known darkness, we cannot value the gift of light.
..Purity. Is it vulnerability, or is it strength?
I still cannot get over the controversy over this concept. So then.. who is pure? Who is weak and who is strong? Who is wise, and who's naive?
Purity can be many different things. Purity is also a soul. It can be one that has seen no evil, and yet could be another who's felt the cold of loneliness, wandered the the deep corners of darkness and yet knows that through the gloom, there is always hope, that what was once black can be turned into greys and one day become white.
Purity is being able to forgive the past, people and circumstance, but also being able to protect One's self aided by the lessons learned, yet without locking out the world.
It's when we go out into the world, knowing that there will be hurdles to tackle but still cleanse our hearts of all fears with the solidness of our faith.
To be pure is to not be afraid. Fear is the dirt that clings onto us as we come through the experiences we face in life.

Wash away the fear. Wipe away the doubt. And do not be afriad to Love; do not be afraid to Live.